If you are planning to come to Costa Rica during our dry season (December to May) this tips will help you.
If this is your first time in the tropics, you might know that Costa Rica is located only 9 degrees north from the Equator line. This means that the sun hits us on a straighter position, which is the cause of most of the sun burns on our skin and body. Wear sunscreen all the time, even if the sun is cover with some clouds.
Approximate sun rise and sunsets: Sunrise: 5:30am / Sunset: 5:45pm
You can enjoy a lot if you start early, even if you go for a full day excursion you can get back to your place before the sun sets. And is a spectacular event every day in dry season.
Average temperature: 32c or 89f. Temperature can vary a little during the nights, depending on the month a nice and refreshing wind will be blowing in our coasts.
Bugs and mosquitoes: We are a tropical country with most of the territory covered by mountains and green areas, full of rivers and coasts. This makes us learn how to coexist with wildlife everyday, including bugs and mosquitoes.
The best recommendation we can give you is applying bug spray every time you are going out, and if you know you are allergic; bring your own medication or let your guide know you’re allergic.
Exchange rate and currency: Our currency is called “colones”, and it has very nice color and design on each denomination bill. Even though we accept dollars USD every where, specially on the tourist areas. We don’t recommend you to exchange much money. And if you do, don’t do it at the airport, they will charge a lot. Go to a bank.
Food: We eat a lot of rice and beans here, hope you like them. If not, our food is very varied. Seafood, chicken, pork, steak and a big amount of fruits and vegetables. Vegetarians will not have any problem finding good food here. Vegans, gluten free are also part of the options you can find. Some places are not very familiarized with this, but you can tell your local operator to help you find something close to you.
We hope this couple tips can help you, and remember if you have any specific question you can contact us via email.