Have you wondered how could it be spending a tropical festive season? Far from the cold weather and a white Christmas? Today we tell you all about how Costa Rica celebrates the festive season.

Tropical festive season costa rica

Festive Season in Costa Rica

A tropical festive season is a dream everyone has a soon as the cold wind starts to blow.  Even though having a snowman in the yard can be nice, a delicious cold margarita in your hand in a secluded tropical beach with the sun kissing your skin, is a winner.

If you plan to visit Costa Rica to enjoy a relaxing tropical festive season, it is important that you learn how “Ticos” (Costa Ricans) celebrate this special time of the year.


Christmas Traditions in Costa Rica

Our small country has similarities with the way Americans celebrate Christmas.  The Christmas tree is an important tradition also in Costa Rica as it is in so many countries around the world. Even though this tradition started in the Northern Europe hundreds of years ago, it spread widely in America due to Britain´s influence, and then to the rest of the countries in the continent.  One difference between Americans and Ticos is that Ticos also include as part of the house decoration a Nativity scene. Nativities are so important that contests are held in many communities.  Some families even decorate the front of the houses with huge Nativity scenes which become popular and are visited every year by others.

The most representative Christmas tradition in Costa Rica is Tamales. However, a Tamal is not only a dish for Ticos, but it also means a celebration.  Families organize the “Tamaleadas”, in which all the family members, from the grandparents to the little ones take part in the cooking process. Giant pots with hundreds of tamales are prepared to satisfy everyone’s appetite. During this season Ticos usually eat up to three tamales a day. They usually crave at any time of the day, both for breakfast and dinner or why not in the afternoon with a fresh coffee.

tamales tropical festive season

Image coutesy of recetastipicasdecostarica

Tropical Festive Season at the beach

After Christmas, Ticos usually take vacations and travel to the hundreds of beaches our country has. While in the Northern Hemisphere festive times mean snow and cold, in Costa Rica it is synonymous with golden sand, perfect weather and fun outdoor events for all.

Beach tropical festive season

The enviable climate of Costa Rica does not present four seasons as in America, but it has a warm climate throughout the year. Two “seasons” per year are marked only by the presence or not of rain. During the holidays, the sun shines in a clear sky in almost every corner of the country, and a nice breeze keeps it cool being the perfect time to visit the beaches.

What to do during a Tropical Festive Season

outdoors tropical festive season

Our recommendation is to stay as outdoors as possible.  Enjoy a great day at the beach, fly through the tree canopies in the rainforest, visit a volcano or refresh swimming in a waterfall pool.


Choose between our wide array of tours or contact us and we will tailor-make all the activities for your perfect tropical festive

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