Best time to visit Costa Rica

Best time to visit Costa Rica

When planning a vacation, learn which is the best season to visit a destination it is key to maximize the enjoyment. If you are planning to visit Costa Rica soon here we help you decide when it is the best time for you according to what would you like to experience....
Bird Watching in Costa Rica

Bird Watching in Costa Rica

Costa Rica is recognized worldwide for its biodiversity.  Within only 19,730 square miles of territory, 4,5% of the world´s species can be found.  So, it is natural that bird watching in Costa Rica is considered as one of the best experiences by the lovers of this...
Costa Rica, a safe place to visit

Costa Rica, a safe place to visit

Every day the news shows a world full of violence: shootings at schools, threats of war, terrorism and more.  A terrible truth that everyone who takes a vacation would like to escape from.  However, not all exotic destinations are safe.  If you are wondering if Costa...
Spring Break in Costa Rica

Spring Break in Costa Rica

Spring break is one of the most anticipated moments of the year.  Thousands of people of all ages dream about this moment to escape the cold and enjoy some days of fun in the sun.  But, what would you do if you could have a “spring break” of 90 days or more?   Is...
Coming to Costa Rica during our dry season?

Coming to Costa Rica during our dry season?

If you are planning to come to Costa Rica during our dry season (December to May) this tips will help you. If this is your first time in the tropics, you might know that Costa Rica is located only 9 degrees north from the Equator line. This means that the sun hits us...
Costa Rica powered with 100% renewable energy

Costa Rica powered with 100% renewable energy

“The year 2015 has been one of electricity totally friendly to the environment for Costa Rica,” the state-owned power supplier Costa Rican Electricity Institute (ICE) said in a press release. The ICE says the country’s zero-emission milestone was enabled thanks...
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